Ruprecht von Kaufmann

* 1974, Munich
graduated at the Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles, CA, Ruprecht von Kaufmann focuses on bridging the gap of modernism to fuse old with new. Von Kaufmann’s art is dynamic, and purposefully so. He likes to draw the world around him and often comments on the life of painting and its diverse quality due to the ever changing knowledge and personality of the artist. Often, von Kaufmann’s art will evolve as he draws and paints his idea on the canvas. Other times, the painting will develop a life of its own, and demands him to surrender and follow its guidance. For von Kaufman painting is like life, it evolves constantly. His artwork reflects this level of consideration, as his figurative work is just as thought-provoking to the viewer.
"In my paintings I set up open ended narratives, that are supposed to entangle the viewer in the world of the painting. I find that there are experiences that all humans share, that are universal, but at the same time very personal. Those interest me."
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Leben zwischen den Stuehlen, Buchheim Museum, Bernried, Germany
In the Street, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Inside the Outside, Kommunale Galerie Gutshaus Steglitz, Berlin, Germany
The Three Princes of Serendip, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Inside the Outside UN, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA
Inside the Outside, Museen Böttcherstrasse, Bremen, Germany
Die drei Prinzen von Serendip, Kunstsammlung Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Die Augen fest geschlossen, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, Germany
Die Evakuierung des Himmels, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
Liederbuch, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, Germany
Event Horizon, Kristin Hjellegjerde Galelry, London, United Kingdom
The God of Small and Big Things, Galerie Crone, Berlin, Germany
Phantombild-Blaupause, Nordheimer Scheune, Nordheim, Germany
Grösserbesserschnellermehr, Forum Kunst, Rottweil, Germany
Fabel, Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, Germany
Carna(va)l, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Liesborn, Germany
Night / Die Nacht, Junge Kunst e.V. Wolfsburg, Germany
Night / Die Nacht, Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf, Germany
Ocean / Der Ozean, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut
Altes Haus, Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf
Zwischenzeit, Neue Galerie Gladbeck, Gladbeck
Äquator Teil I, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin
Herr Lampe´ Bundesbank, Frankfurt
Nebel, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut
Halbmast, Philara Collection, Düsseldorf
Ruprecht von Kaufmann, Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf
Eine Übersicht, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin
Bathosphere, Ann Nathan Gallery, Chicago
Bathosphere, Kunstverein Göttingen
Als mich mein Steckenpferd fraß, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin
Bildwechsel, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin
Neue Zeichnungen, Kunstschacht Zeche Zollverein, Essen
Of Faith and Other Demons, Claire Oliver Fine Arts, New York
Selected Group Exhibitions
On the Wall, Building Gallery, Milano, Italy
Dreamscapes - Ruprecht von Kaufmann & František Skála, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Dawn of the Living, Feinkunst Krüger, Hambourg, Germany
All the Days and Nights, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Feelings, Pinakothek der Moderne München, Germany
Metafysica, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Norway
Birkholm's Echo, Faaborg Museum, Denmark
Contemporary Chaos, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen, Norway
Eros & Thanatos, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Germany
Neue Schwarze Romantik, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz, Austria, Topicuv Salon, Prague, Czech Republic
Ecce Creatura, Kallmann Museum, Ismaning
Paintingguide NY´, Booth Gallery, New York, USA
Schwarze Romantik, Bukarest, Berlin, Backnag, Bregenz, Prague, Czech Republic
Wahlverwandschaften, German Art since the late 1960s´, National Museum of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Prozac, Kunstverein Glückstadt, Glückstadt, Germany
The Vacancy, Friedrichstr., Berlin, Germany
Kunst Wollen?, openAEG, Nürnberg, Germany
Du sollst Dir (k)ein Bild machen, Berliner Dom, Berlin, Germany
Time Lies, KinoInternational, Berlin, Germany
The Sea, Brandts Museum, Odense, Denmark
Revolution, Rohkunstbau, Roskow, Germany
Waffensichten, Museum Galerie Dachau, Dachau, Germany
Malerei am Rand der Wirklichkeit, Haus am Lützwoplatz, Berlin, Germany
Tierstücke, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Germany
Alles Wasser, Galerie Mikael Anderson, Copenhagen, Denmark
Weltenschöpfer, Museum für Bildende Kunst, Leipzig, Germany
2012 Convoy Berlin, Bzarsky Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2011 I am a Berliner, Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
2010 Werkschau I der Erwine Steinblum Stipendiaten, Kunst:raum Syltquelle, Rantum / Sylt, Germany
2009 Menschenbilder 1620/2009, Museum Hoexter-Corvey, Hoexter, Germany
2008 Daydreams & Dark Sides, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
2007 Stipendiatenausstellung, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin, Germany
Full House, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
Gletscherdämmerung, Eres Stiftung, München, Germany
2003 RePresenting Representation VI, Arnot Art Museum, New York, USA
2002 The Perception of Appearance, The Frye Art Museum, Seattle, USA
2001 Representing LA, The Frye Art Museum, Seattle, Art Museum of South Texas and Orange County Museum of Art, LA, USA
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
Maynat Kurbanova, Michele Cinque, Inside the Outside, Distanz
Magdalena Kröner, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Kunstmarkt
Robert Hughes, Rolf Lauter, Julia Wallner, Ruprecht von Kaufmann 2005-2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020112-7
Leah Ollman, Los Angeles Sunday Times, 'Painting a Mirror for Humanity', 16. Juni 2002
Garrett Holg, Art News, 'A futurist Manifesto', Ruprecht von Kaufmann at Ann Nathan Gallery Chicago', Januar Ausgabe 2002
COLLECTIONS (selection)
Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany
Collection of the German Bundestag, Germany
Collection of the National Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frankfurt , Germany
Coleccion Solo, Madrid, Spain
Collezione Coppola, Vicenza, Italy
Hort Family Collection, New York, USA
Uzyiel Collection, London, United Kingdom
Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf, Germany
SØR Rusche Sammlung, Oelde/Berlin, Germany
Sammlung Hildebrand, Leipzig, Germany
Sammlung Holger Friedrich, Berlin, Germany
Sammlung Museum Abtei Liesborn, Liesborn, Germany
Sammlung Veronika Smetackova, Prague, Czech Republic