Vladimír Škoda

* 1942, Prague (lives and works in Paris)
"In the work by Vladimír Škoda a recurring thought is the investigation of the myth of the cosmos. The symbolic union of the life of earth, and its places, and the abstraction of the ubiquitous universe".
If in the work of many artists repetition is an often boring characteristic, for Škoda it is never a trivial asset. Interaction is, for him, one of the instruments used to reach the goal to visualize that reality that is beyond the capacity of human sensory perception. This action involves a shift of the objects beyond their physical reality in a virtual, or astral, space, the appearances of which are reproduced by assembling different amounts of metal balls, which spontaneously arrange themselves into geometric shapes, following the laws of chaos, rules and chance.
Vladimír Škoda compares infinite dimensions with the environment around us, forming a cosmos that can fill the whole universe, existing everywhere, be at hand, and at the same time unattainable.
Vladimir Skoda reveals a new visual symbolism, studying the essence and the mutual influence between science and art. His depiction of different and unknown cosmic dimensions offers to our consciousness a different point of departure for the exploration of the relationship between the visible world and an hypothetical one. The art of Škoda in this process creates the rules, trying to restore the potential of historical and scientifical memory transported in an infinite simulated space."
Miroslava Hajek
Solo Exhibitions
Constellations, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Rue du Terrail, Salle Gilbert Gaillard, Hôtel Fonfreyde, Hôtel de Chazerat / DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Chapelle des Cordeliers, Clermont-Ferrand ; Sous-préfecture, Place Antonin Chastel, Usine du May – Creux de l’Enfer, Thiers, France
Mirror of Time, North Bohemian Art Gallery in Litoměřice – Church of the Annunciation,
Litoměřice, Czech Republic
Vladimir Skoda, Galerie Margareta Friesen, Dresden, Germany
Une seule direction vers le Cosmos?, Sorbonne Art Gallery, Paris, France
Qatrieme dimension, Centre d’art Les Eglises, Chelles, France
Vladimir Skoda, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Paris, France
Za zrcadlem / Through the Looking Glass - Vladimir Skoda & Marco Bagnoli, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Special focus Vladimir Skoda, Fondation Opale, Lens, Switzerland
Od drátu k hmotě, Galerie Pecka, Prague, Czech Republic
Vladimir Skoda, Espace du Dedans, Lille, France
Vladimir Skoda. L’Atelier, Espace Art Absolument, Paris, France
Mysterium Cosmographicum – Johannes Kepler, Museum Kampa, Prague, Czech Republic
Harmonices Mundi – Johannes Kepler, Troja Chateau / Zámek Troja, GHMP – Prague City Gallery / GHMP – Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Prague, Czech Republic
Distortion-vision, 1980–2018 / Distorsion-vision, 1980–2018, Catherine Issert Gallery, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Skoda à Caumont, Hôtel de Caumont (org. Culturespaces & Galerie Catherine Issert), Aix-en-Provence, France
Vladimir Skoda, Galerie AL/MA, Montpellier, France
Vladimir Skoda – sculpture, Galerie Mathieu, Lyon, France
Sphere of spheres / Sphère de sphères, Ecole supérieure d’art et design, Saint Etienne, France
Dark Matter, Space Kaan (org. Baudoin Lebon Gallery), Seoul, Corea
Reflections of the star / Reflets de l'étoile, Apollonia, Strasbourg, France
Space accelerator / Accélérateur d’espace, L’aspirateur – Lieu d'art contemporain, Narbonne, France
Vladimir Skoda & Marc Van Cauwenbergh, Art Radial Contemporain, Strasbourg, France
Virtual space / Virtuální prostor, Art Gallery / Galerie umění, Karlovy Vary, CZ
Energy / Energie, Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava / Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, Ostrava, Czech Republic
21, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Resonance of contrasts / Raisonance des contrasts (with Nathalie Leroy-Fiévée), Centre d’art contemporain de la Matmut, Château de Saint Pierre de Varengeville, France
Polarity / Polarité, Galerie Wittenbrink, Munich, Germany
Constellations, Campredon Centre d’art, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France
Sphères, Musée Museum Départemental des Hautes-Alpes, Gap, France
Pendulum / Pendule, Arsenal-Musée de Soissons: site de l’abbaye Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, Soissons, France
Vladimir Skoda, in the frame of Time of collections / Le Temps des collections, Musée Le Secq des Tounelles, Rouen, France
Danaé, In situ – Heritage and Contemporary Art / Danaé, In situ – Patrimoine et art contemporain, Musée Fleury, Lodève, France
from the Interior / de l'intérieur, Espace d'art contemporain, Colmar, France
Negative – Positive, AP atelier, Prague, Czech Republic
Passenger in the atelier: Vladimir Skoda / Passager dans l’atelier: Vladimir Skoda, in the frame of Sur mesures, Musée Réattu, Arles, France
White Hole / Trou blanc, Carré Saint Anne, Montpellier, France
Parallels in space-time / Parallèles dans l'espace-temps (with Keiji Uematsu), Baudoin Lebon Gallery, Paris, France
Mirrors of Time / Miroirs du temps, Galerie AL/MA, in the frame of Casanova forever, org. FRAC Languedoc Roussillon, Montpellier, France
Five Platonic Bodies / Cinq corps de Platon, Galerie Wittenbrink, Munich, Germany
The world between love and madness / Le monde entre l’amour et la folie, Musée Denys-Puech, Rodez, France
Galileo – galilei, Galileian Year / Galileo – galilei, Anno Galileiano, Pisa, Italy
Visions of the world / Visions du monde, Musée du Temps, Besançon, France
Fourth Dimesion / Quatrième dimension, National Gallery in Prague – Trade Fair Palace / Národní galerie v Praze – Veletržní palác, French Institute in Prague / Francouzský institut v Praze, Prague, Czech Republc
Mirror of Time / Specchio del tempo, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Rocca Albornoziana, Casa Romana, Ponte delle Torri, Basilica di San Salvatore, Spoleto, Italy
Sidereal Rain / Pluie sidérale, Centre d’Art Contemporain, le Creux de l’Enfer, Thiers, France
Celestial reflections and Galilean mechanics / Riflessi celesti e meccaniche galileane, Abbazia San Zeno, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina, Teatro Verdi, Centro Ricerche Enel, Pisa, Italy
Distortion – vision / Distorsion – vision, Le 10neuf, CRAC, Montbéliard, France
FIAC (with Baudoin Lebon Gallery), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Etchings / Lepty, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague - 1968 - Paris, Prague, Czech Republic
Vladimir Skoda. Skulpturen 1995–97, Galerie Springer, Berlin, Germany
Constellations / Konstellationen, Wilhem-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Constellations / Konstelace, Rudolfinum Gallery, Praha, Czech Republic
Eclipses, Les Moulins Albigeois, Albi, France
Vladimír Škoda, drawings / Vladimír Škoda, kresby, Galerie Studio Opatov, Prague, Czech Republic
Sculptures, graphics / Sculptures, gravures, Maison d’Art Contemporain Chaillioux, France
Vladimir Skoda, Works 1975-1986 / Vladimir Skoda, œuvres 1975–1986, Musée des Beaux-arts André Malraux, Le Havre, France
from the Interior / de l’intérieur, ARC – Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
Vladimir Skoda, Works 1975-1987 / Vladimir Skoda, Œuvres 1975–87, La Criée – Halle d’Art Contemporain, Rennes, France
Works 1975-1986 / Œuvres 1975–87, Atelier des Halles – Centre d’art contemporain, Montbéliard, France
Vladimir Skoda, Works 1975-1986 / Vladimir Skoda, Oeuvres 1975-1986, Credac – Galerie Fernand Léger, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
New Sculptures / Neue Skulpturen, Galerie Wittenbrink, Regensburg, Germany
Galerie Geneviève et Serge Mathieu, Besançon, France
Volume = 3,14dm3, Galerie Ilanne, Paris, France
UXA, Contemporary Art Studio / UXA, studio d'arte contemporanea, Novara, Italy
Galleria Primo Piano, Rome, Italy
Selected Group Exhibitions
Art Paris Art Faire (Cermak Eisenkraft, Stand 8E and Galerie Claire Gastaud, Stand I1), Grand Palais Éphémère, Paris, France
Expo Chicago Art Fair (Bogéna galerie, Stand #456), Navy Pier Festival Hall, Chicago, USA
In the Night, Saudi Arabia Museum of Contemporary Art, (SAMoCA), Jax, Riyad, Arabie Saoudite (till 20. 05. 2024)
Art in situ – Sur la Route des Grands Crus, Prosper Maufoux, Château Saint-Aubin, France (till 15. 12. 2024)
Fréquences brutes: manifeste écoesthétique #1 / Brut frequencies: eco-aesthetic manifesto #1, Christian Berst Art Brut gallery, The Bridge, curator: Pascal Pique, Paris, France
Chères Hantises, FRAC Alsace, Sélestat, France
La Chapelle de Clairefontaine, Baudoin Lebon, Clairefontaine en Yvelines, France
ART IN SITU – Sur la Route des Grands Crus Domaines en Bourgogne, Beaune, France
En marge des fabriques, Musée d'Art et d'Industrie (MAI) de St Etienne, Saint Etienne, France & Creux de l’enfer, Usine du May, Thiers, France
20 ans avec les artistes, Art Absolument, Paris, France
Paul Ouwerkerk / Vladimir Skoda, BMB Project Space, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Art Paris, Grand Palais Éphémère, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Paris, France
Art Brussels, galerie Claire Gastaud, Bruxelles, Belgia
Native - Vol.III ESPACE, 236 Rue Saint-Martin, Galerie Faure Beaulieu, Paris, France
Temporary installation of the work « PLANETE MAGIQUE II, 2016 », Sculpture park, Musée de l'Hospice Saint-Roch, Issoudun, France
ALLONS VOIR! Contemporary art trail, Pays-Fort, Grange pyramidale, Vailly-sur-Sauldre, France
Aetas Praehistorica, galerie Kvalitář, Prague, Czech Republic
30 let galerie Caesar, galerie Caesar, Olomouc, Czech Republic
FIAC (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Grand Palais Ephémère, Champ-de-Mars, Paris, France
Art Paris (with Claire Gastaud Gallery), Grand Palais Ephémère, Champ-de-Mars, Paris, France
Through the Looking Glass – Marco Bagnoli & Vladimír Škoda, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Jardin des Sculptures, Galerie Dutko - Ile Saint Louis, Paris, France
Industrie Magnifique, le quai des Bateliers, Strasbourg, France
Rêver de la terre aux étoiles, Apollonia – Échanges Artistiques Européens, Strasbourg, France
FIAC OVR (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Online Viewing Rooms, France
Concepts of Mirroring, Galerie of Modern Art, Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic
Géométries de l’Invisible, Espace de l’Art Concret – Centre d’art contemporain d'intérêt national Donation Albers-Honegger (in cooperation with the Musée de l’Invisible) Château de Mouans, Mouans-Sartoux, France
Art Paris (with Claire Gastaud Gallery), Grand Palais, France
Restart, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague
Rêver l´Univers, Musée de la Poste, Paris, France
Cosmos – Silence, on tourne !, LAAC – Dunkerque, France
Enérgeïa, Topographie de l´Art (in cooperation with the Musée de l’Invisible), Paris, France
L’œil et la nuit, Institut des Cultures d'Islam, Paris, France
FIAC Hors les Murs, Jardin des Tuileries (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Paris, France
Mnohoznačnost struktur / dynamika sil – Ambiguity of Structures / Dynamics of Forces, Museum Kampa, Prague, Czech Republic
Screening, GASK, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Collection 7, Claire Gastaud Gallery, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Sculpture Line, International Sculpture Festival, Vojanovy sady, Prague, Czech Republic
EPHEMERAL, Tour Bazeos, Naxos, Greece
Drawing Now (with Galerie Catherine Issert Gallery), Carreau du Temple, Paris, France
Art Monte-Carlo (with Galerie Catherine Issert Gallery), Grimaldi Forum Monaco, Monaco
Art Genève (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland
FIAC Hors les Murs, Jardin des Tuileries (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Paris, France
Vincent Barré, Vincent Mauger, David Nash, Benjamin Sabatier, Vladimir Skoda (org. Catherine Issert Gallery), Château Sainte Roseline, France
Biennale Internationale Saint-Paul de Vence - Art Contemporain, Saint Paul de Vence, France
Drawing Now (with Catherine Issert Gallery), Carreau du Temple, Paris, France
Rond d’artistes, Galerie Mathieu, Lyon, France
Art Paris Art Faire (Cermak Eisenkraft Gallery) Grand Palais, Paris, France
En l’occurrence, works from the collection of FRAC Alsace, CEAAC, Strasbourg, France
Pierres de visions, Musée Gassendi, org. Musée de l’invisible, Digne-les-Bains, France
Mirabilia, Maison des Consuls, org. Caroline Allaire-Matte, Les Matelles, France
Vladimir Skoda and his guest / Vladimir Skoda et ses invités (Alexandre Astier, Nicola Durvasula, Pierre Labat, Mireya Samper, Julien Terdiman), La lune en parachute, Epinal, France
Fresh Winds, the international art biennale, Gardur, Island
Art Paris Art Faire (with Galerie Hoffmann and Baudoin Lebon Gallery) Grand Palais, Paris, France
The field of resonance / Pole rezonance – Václav Boštík, Vladimír Škoda, Petr Dub, Gallery of Modern Art / Galerie moderního umĕní, Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic
The eye of the collector - Focus 2 - Like a breath / L’œil du collectionneur – Focus 2 - Comme une respiration – Collection Madeleine Millot-Durrenberger, Musée d’Art moderne et contemporain, Strasbourg, France
Art Safari 30 de luxe, Studio Bubec, Prague, Czech Republic
De mineralis, in the frame of Hors-les-murs YIA ART FAIR, National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts / Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, France
Incandescence, Vladimir Skoda, Bernard Moninot, Christian Jaccard, Musée des Beaux-arts,
La Cohue, Vannes, France
Round and Round and Round, part 2, díla ze sbírky FRAC Ile-de-France, Château de Rentilly, France
With the Masters, Marseille Associated Artists 1977–2007/ Avec les Maîtres, Marseille Artistes Associés 1977–2007, Musée Cantini, Marseille, France
Black is a color, vivacious Tribute to Aimé Maeght / Le noir est une couleur, Hommage vivant à Aimé Maeght, Fondation Maeght, Saint Paul de Vence, France
Parcours # 1 – collection de MAC/VAL, Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Cosmos, Palazzo Grasi, Venezia, Italy
Cosmos. From romanticism to avant-garde / Cosmos. Del romanticisme a l’avantguarda, 1801–2001, Centre Culturel Contemporain, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Cosmos, Musée des Beaux-arts, Montreál, Canada
Made in France 1947–1997. Fifty years of creation in France / Cinquante ans de création en France, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Dawn of the magicians? Art, Science, Society at the Turn of the Millennium, National Gallery in Prague – Trade Fair Palace / Národní galerie v Praze – Veletržní palác, Prague, Czech Republic
Public Collections
Musée National d’Art Moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Národní galerie v Praze, Prague, Czech Republic
GHMP – Prague City Gallery / GHMP – Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Prague, Czech Republic
Museum Kampa, Prague, Czech Republic
GASK, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Belfort, France
Musée des Beaux-arts, La Cohue, Vannes, France
Musée Cantini, Marseille, France
Musée Réattu, Arles, France
Musée le Secq des Tournelles, Rouen, France
MAC/VAL - Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val de Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
SKD - Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden - Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister, Albertinum, Dresden, Germany
CNAP - Centre national des arts plastiques, Paris, France
FRAC Alsace, Sélestat, France
FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, France
FRAC Limousin, Limoges, France
FRAC Occitanie (Languedoc Roussillon), Montpellier, France
FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
FDAC - Fonds d’art contemporain, Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Le Centre international d'art et du paysage, Vassivière, France
Collection des arts visuels, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland