Šimon Brejcha

* 1963, Karlovy Vary
Šimon had his works at the important exhibitions of graphic art all around the world. His prints were chosen many times for the international exhibitions in China, Japan, Poland, Austria, Germany. He also participated in the group exhibitions in the United States, South Africa, Belgium.
Artist's Statement
I don't draw the reality around me. I capture the reality differently. I am interested in the traces of it's texture. They represent all the meanings and stories to me.
I have chosen nature as the main topic of my work. By the nature I mean especially the most ordinary remains of creatures, plants or organisms, which are still around me and which are waiting to be discovered, so they could become a part of my picture. I also choose the simplest unimportant things in my surroundings (such as cotton buds, toothpicks or wires). From all these materials ( of natural or different origin) or their casts I create serial compositions or three-dimensional small sculptures or constructions, which I then press into thick paperboards under high pressure. Then, the paperboards serve as an intaglio print matrix. After that, the original elements are physically present in every print, even though they are not always recognizable and every single element disappears in the entirety or it is uncleared by the printing process. We discover the elements only after a careful and detailed observation. Eventually in my prints we find, what we are often overlook.
See what you don't see.
This is a promo video for Simon Brejcha's exhibition in GASK on september 2016 organized by GASK and Cermak Eisenkraft curated by Richard Drury.
You are kindly invited to vernisage on 17th of september 2016 in GASK Kutná Hora, Czech Republic.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Druhá kůže - Second Skin, Jiří Jílek Gallery, Šumperk, Czech Republic
Zahradničení - Amateur Gardening, Galerie Vacláva Špály, Prague, Czech Republic
Kompost - Compost, Galerie Hollar, Prague, Czech Republic
2018 Reality? Reality! (with Martin Velíšek), Cermak Eisenkraft Pop Up gallery, SmetanaQ, Prague, Czech Republic
2016 Collector and Crusher / Sběrač a drtič, GASK, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Spaces (with Martin Velíšek), Galerie du Château de Bourglinster, Luxembourg
Space, Professorium – Gallery for Contemporary Art, (with Martin Velisek), Würzburg Germany
2013 Skin and Stone / Stein und Haut (with Barbara Deutschmann), Gallery Am schwarzen Meer, Bremen, Germany
2011 See What You Don’t See (with Barbara Deutschmann) Kunstverein Coburg, Germany
Buch Much, Ostrov, Art Gallery / Galerie umění, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Buch Much, Regional Gallery / Oblastní galerie, Liberec, Czech Republic
2009 Roommate / Mitbewohner, Wilke Studio, Bremerhaven, Germany
Nano Enemies / Nanovetřelci, Gallery Kabinet Brno, Czech Republic
Nano Enemies, Künstlerhaus Hooksiel, Germany
Honorary Exhibition, Künstlerhaus Hooksiel, Germany
2006 Skin So Soft, Professorium – Gallery for Contemporary Art, Würzburg, Germany
Skin So Soft, Nová síň Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Skin So Soft, Kulturforum Land Wursten, Dorum, Germany
2004 Gallery Pintner, Frankfurt am Main – Hofheim, Germany
2003 De fakto, Prague, Czech Republic
Wilke Studio, Bremerhaven, Germany
Drawings from the 1980s, Alte Posthalterei, Syke, Germany
Layers, Town Hall Diepholz, Germany
Culture Hall / Kulturrathaus (with D.Langova) Dresden, Germany
Shadows running through the grass…/ Stíny běžící travou…, U prstenu Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2000 Twenty possibilities..., St Stephen’s Church, Bremen, Germany
1999 Layers / Vrstvy, New Town Hall Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Deciphering of the sign, Wilke Studio, Bremerhaven, Germany
Pictures and Objects / Obrazy a objekty, Town Museum Karlovy Vary / Muzeum Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Rublev II, Ikonenmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Deciphering of the sign / Dešifrování znaku, Exhibition Hall of the Czech Savings Bank / Výstavní síň České spořitelny, Prague, Czech Republic
Histolysing / Histolýza, Gallery Pecka, Prague, Czech Republic
Pictures, Gallery Immanenz, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
1994 Topic: Rublev / Téma: Rublev, Exhibition Hall of the Czech Savings Bank / Výstavní síň České spořitelny, Prague, Czech Republic
Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 Jubilanti Hollaru 2023, Galerie Hollar, Prague, Czech Republic
2022 La forme d’impression, Galerie Hollar, Prague, Czech Republic
19.Internationale Grafik-Triennale Frechen, Germany
Sommerakademie, Motorenhalle Dresden, Germany
Domýšlet & Rozpoznávat - Deduce & Detect Muzeum umění Olomouc, Caesar - SEFO, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Oskar Kokoschka a blízké tváře - Oskar Kokoschka und nahe Gesichte, Oblastní galerie Liberec, Czech Republic
Hledání neopakovatelnosti, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Hmyz - Insects, Millenium Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Groteska z Tesca - Grotesque from Tesco, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Nové cesty / Nové objevy - New Ways / New discoveries, New Town Hall, Prague, Czech Republic
Aphrodite Today, Galeriie Věda a umění, Akademie věd ČR, Prague, Czech Republic
Screening, GASK, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Hollar, Czech center, Paris, France
Autoportrét / Realita, Identita - Selfportrait / Reality, Identity, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
100 + 1 Hollar - 100 + 1 Hollar, Severočeská galerie výtvarného umění v Litoměřicích, Litoměřice, Czech Republic
Chvála slepých uliček - Praise Blind Ways , Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Music in graphic art, František Drtikol Gallery, Příbram, Czech Republic
Encounters, Impact 10, Santander, Spain
16 + 1, Ningbo Museum of Art, China
Statement of Serigraphy, Gallery Sokolska 26, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Book – space for print, print an inspiration for book / Kniha prostor pro grafiku – grafika inspirace pro knihu, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Honoured / Jubilanti, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Book – space for print, print an inspiration for book / Kniha prostor pro grafiku – grafika inspirace pro knihu, Příbram, Czech Republic
100 year of Hollar / 100 let Hollaru, Municipal House / Obecní dům, Prague, Czech Republic
XXIII. Small Prints Festival / XXIII. Festival komorní grafiky, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
New Prints / Nová tvorba, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Printmaking Triennial, Macao
XXII Small Prints Festival / XXII Festival komorní grafiky, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
From Boudnik to today – Czech Structural Graphic Art / Od Boudníka k dnešku – česká strukturální grafika, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
International Print Biennale, Guanlan, China
At the Edge of Images, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
New Prints / Nová tvorba, Hollar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
New Prints Summer, IPCNY, New York, USA
Gallery 6, Christie's, New Prints IPCNY, New York, USA
New Prints, IPCNY, Austin, Texas, USA
FIG 1, Bilbao, Spain
Krakow International Print Triennial, Krakow, Poland
Without Borders, Horst-Jansen-Museum, Oldenburg, Germany
Continuity, Rotunda Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
2009 International Print Biennale, Guanlan, China
2000 Print Biennale, Sapporo, Japan
1996 Biennale of Czech Graphics / Bienále české grafiky, Ostrava, Czech Republic
1997 Krakow International Print Triennial, Krakow, Poland
Print Triennial, Osaka, Japan
Triennial European avant-garde graphics / Trienále evropské avantgardní grafiky, Prague, Czech Republic
1986 Underground show in a private flat / Undergroundová výstava v soukromém bytě, Zlatá Královna, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
1983 Underground show / Undergroundová výstava, Na Vysoké pub, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
2016 The Print of the Year 2015 / Grafiku roku 2015, Price criticisms, Prague, Czech Republic
2015 Hollar Foudation Price, Prague, Czech Republic
2014 The Print of the Year 2013 / Grafiku roku 2013, The main prize in the category D, Author Book for the book Stories, Prague, Czech Republic
2013 The Print of the Year 2012 / Grafiku roku 2012, Prague, honorable mention for graphic sheet Exodus
2012 nomination Fig Price Bilbao, Spain
2011 The Print of the Year 2011 / Grafiku roku 2011, honorable mention for graphic sheet Roj, Prague, Czech Republic
2010 The Print of the Year 2010 / Grafiku roku 2010, The main prize in the category A for graphic sheet Chaos, Prague, Czech Republic
2007 The honor student exhibition, Künstlerhaus Hooksiel, Germany
2005 The Print of the Year 2005 / Grafiku roku 2005, honorable mention for graphic sheet Diatomy, Prague, Czech Republic
1999 Grant of Prague (2nd district) for Culture to organize exhibition Layers, Prague, Czech Republic
1996 Edition Prints - Hartmann Verpackung, two sheets of Series Characters and a limited portfolio of copyright books from the same series, Germany
1994 Price criticisms Triennial European avant-garde graphics for print Earl Grey Tea
Public Collections
The National Gallery in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Gallery of Art, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Museum of Czech Literature, Prague, Czech Republic
Central Slovakia Gallery, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Museum of Art, Györ, Hungary
Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
Private Collections
Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA
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