Magdalena Jetelova

* 1946, Semily
lives and works in Munich, Düsseldorf and Prague,
a noted Czech artist, one of contemporary visualartists who have achieved International acclaim. In the form of wooden chairs, staircases and other objects from the late 1970s and the first hall of the 1980s she gave an ironic account of life under the Communist regime. Her participation at unofficial events resulted in her not being allowed to attend international exhibitions. Her artistic activity often bordering on illegality, was reduced to the sphere of artists with a similar outlook on art. In 1983-84 she organized in her former studio in Prague, an event with signalling smoke, thus visualizing the expansion of the "red" conglomeration. Dating from before her emigration is the by now legendary and still unfinished landart project, with the idea of an original underground space called Underground City. After her emigration in 1985, her studio was destroyed. When she lived abroad, she never slackened off in her creative activity. As early as 1983 an invitation came to exhibit in the New Art at the Tate Gallery in London, as the only representative of the Eastern Block countries, and then gradually Magdalena Jetelova joined the international artistic scene.
Sculpture became her original stepping out, outside the galleries. She began to deal with relations between an object and space. She deconstrues the present form of architecture by a new visuallty, destabilizes it slace by intentional reversal or repetition of elements, and by a general shift in time she uncovers remote or excluded contexts. She was one or the first artists from the post-Communist countries to start applying new technologies and laser light and made use of coded language of GPS coordinates as well as of modern robotic systems. In the continuously improving technology of new media she has found an opportunity for a revival of communication and for mediation of uncommon emotional experience. She is flexible in her response to place, she extracts it from the common context and alters its structure, with the aim of perceiving different interlayers or time and space. She never forgets social aspects either, such as human reights and care of environment.
In 1992-1995 she implemented her monumental project Domestication of Pyramids in several cultural insitutions in Europe, in which she confronted their exhibition space with the strict geometry of Egyptian architecture. Among her other remarkable installations are Translocation I and II in Hannover and Darmstadt In Germany, where she worked with dynamic shifts in space and time. A direct reaction to place itself is found in her other time-cum-space structures. With light beams she marks out directions and makes division or linking visible (Island Project, 1992; Atlantic Wall, 1994-95; Crossing King's Cross, 1996). Ground for her complex creations is found close to landart, conceptual art, and action.
Magdalena Jetelova in 1990-2004 was teacher at the State Art Academy in Düsseldorf, from 2004 to the end of 2012 professor at the Academy in Munich. After 1989 she was a consultant to President Vactav Havel in the Prague Castle. She exhibited in many prestigious galleries of the world (e.g. Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona,Tate Gallery of Art London, Museum of Modern Art New York, Chicago Art Center, Martin-Grophius-Bau Berlin), took part in international exhibitions (Dokumenta 8 in Kassel, Sydney Biennale, Gwangju Biennale in South Korea, 54th Bienale in Venice). On the occasion of being awarded the Lovis Corinth Prize In 2007, a large monograph about her was published. Her work is found in leading world collections, e.g. in Paris in the Musse National d'Art Moderne Centre G. Pompidou, in the Museum der Stadt Darmstadt, The Henry Moore Institute Leeds, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C., The National Gallery in Prague.
Selected Exhibitions
2023 The Lie of the Land, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
"Tomodachito". Mit Fruend*Innen, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany
Mirrors and Windows, Sammlung Philara, Germany
The Blue Planet / Der Blaue Planet, H2 – Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst, Augsburg, Germany
Grenzen in der Kunst. Tschechische Kunst in drei Generationen, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, Germany
Proměny místa a prostoru, Oblastní galerie Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
2020 Pacific Ring of Fire, Walter Storms Galerie, Munich, Germany
Essential is Visible, Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst e.V., 4. Biennale Munich „The Big Sleep, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
The Big Sleep - 4. Biennale der Künstler, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
2018 XXIV. ROHKUNSTBAU 2018: Achtung – Mind the Gap, Schloss Lieberose, Germany
2017 Touch of Time, National Gallery – Trade Fair Palace Prague, Czech Republic
Galerie du jour agnès b., Paris, France
Taipeh Museum, Taiwan
Skulptur, Museum Würth, Künzelsau, Germany
Museum Nanjing, China
Vienna for Art’s Sake!, Winterpalais, Wien, Austria
Das szenische Auge Italien, Fondazione Palazzo Albizini Collezione Burri, Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy
Forest of Dean, England
Présence Construite, la sculpture à la rencontre de l'architecture, Topographie de l´Art, Paris, France
International Art Project, Droten, Schweden
Creacio continua, Haus der Kunst? Munich, Germany
Galerie in Trakelhaus, Salzburg, Austria
Mikulov, Czech Republic
Die Bildhauer, Kunstsammlung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany
(Des)Orientatation?, Muzeum umění Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Czech Center Weltreise, ifa, New York, USA
(DES)ORIENTATION, Donumenta, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, Germany
Bunkers. Mystical, Barbaric, Bored, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw, Poland
Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Poland
Galerie Angelika Harthan, Stuttgart, Germany
100 let Domu umění města Brna, Dům umění města Brna, Brno, Czech Republic
The Lucifer Effect, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic
(DES) Orientation, La Biennale di Venezia, Glasstress 2011, Venezia, Italy
Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Angelika Harthan, Karlsruhe, Germany
Bunkers. Mystical, Barbaric, Bored, Gdanska Galeria, Gdansk, Poland
Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Landscape of Transformation
Bad Berleburg, Museum der Stadt Bad Berleburg Schmallenberg,
kunsthaus alte mühle
Ettlingen, Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe, 25 Künstler in 25 Jahren Brünn,
Brno Art Open 2009, Brno, Czech Republic
aus/gezeichnet/zeichnen, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
Abflug, H2 – Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast, Augsburg, Germany
Galerie Walter Storms, Munich, Germany
Eindhoven, Glow 2007 Forum of Light in Art and Architecture, Run
Prag, The Prague Contemporary Art Festival,(Kat.)
Düsseldorf, Stiftung Museum Kunst Palast, Die Kunst zu sammeln
Freiburg, Morat Institut für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft
Kopenhagen, Kunstforeningen Gl Strand, 100 Days – 100 Videos
Herford, Museum Marta Herford, Marta schweigt. Garde le silence, le silence te gardera
Recklinghausen, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Der neue Raum (Kat.)
Regensburg, Kunstforum Regensburg, Venceremos/ Sale
Nuoro, MAN Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro, Confini-Boundaries
Duisburg, Stiftung DKM, Notstand
Stuttgart,Galerie Angelika Harthan, Implants
Karlsruhe, Badischer Kunstverein, Europäische Kunst in der Süd- westkurve
Ludwigshafen, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Architektur mobil
Genua, Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce, Palazzo della Borsa, Water, Air, Earth, Fire
Rom, Opera Paese, Il buco nella rete
Basel, Hotel Drei Könige, Morphing
Korea, Gwangju Biennale, Homework of Being
Jena, Galerie Janoptik, Iceland Project
Lissabon, Bienal internacional da Luz em Lisboa Duisburg, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum,
Stadtlicht – Lichtkunst, (Kat.) Lüdenscheid,
St. Joseph und Medarduskirche, Lichtrouten (Kat.) München, Galerie Walter Storms
Japan, Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennal 2003
San Sebastian/Spanien, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea (Kat.)
Rom, Opera Paese, Kunstraum Deutschland
Prag, Museum Kampa
Rommerskirchen, Kulturzentrum, Noitisopenononeposition (Kat.)
Bonn, Kunstforum, Grafik der Gegenwart
Moskau, National Centre for Contemporary Arts
Prague City Gallery, Prague, Urban Landscape (Kat.)
Berlin, Guardini Galerie, Das Plateau
Expo 2000, Kunstraum St. Nicolai Alfeld, Hannover, Germany
Conversio (Kat.)
Interferences / Interferenzen, Diözesanmuseum Freising, Freising, Germany (cat.)
One-site installation photographs / sculptures, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Foto/Skulpturen, VKV, Munich, Germany (cat.)
Kunsthalle Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Spore arti contemporanee nel tansito epocale, University of Cassino / Universitá degli Studi die Cassino, Cassino, Italy
Landshapes: Record of an Action, Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Illusion/Illumination, Inner Space Multimedia, Poznan, Poland
10 Intensita in Europa, Center for Contemporary Art / Centro per l`Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
Construction in Process 6, Melbourne, Australia (cat.)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Between the chairs / Zwischen den Stühlen, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany
Para Heiner Müller, IFA, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal (cat.)
Museum Imaginaire, Museum of Installation, London, United Kingdom
John Weber Gallery, New York, USA
Light, sculpture, space / Licht, Skulptur, Raum, Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg, Germany (cat.)
Translocation II, Institut Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany
Dislocations, Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona / Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (cat.)
Crossing King´s Cross, London, United Kingdom
Ludwig Forum, Aachen, Germany
The scenic eye / Das szenische Auge, IFA, Freedsculptur, London, United Kingdom (cat.)
Bunkerprojekt, Museum Lemvig, Lemvig/Dänemark
Rift in the room / Riß im Raum, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
National Gallery of Contemporary Art Zachęta / Nationalgalerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Zachęta, Warsaw, Poland
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florenz, Italy
Translocation, Kunstverein, Hannover, Germany
Forum Kunst, Praelocation Rottweil, Kaiserspfalz, Paderborn, Germany
Naturally, Ernst Múseum, Budapest, Hungary
Europa, Europa, Art and Exhibition Hall Europe / Kunst und Ausstellungshalle, Germany
Celebrate Prague in New, The World Financial Center York New York, USA
Iceland Project, Belveder, Prague, Czech Republic (cat.)
Medial - fire, earth, water, air / Mediale – Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Luft, Südliche Deichtorhalle, Hamburg, Germany
Drawn in the ´90s, Katonah Museum of Art, New York, USA
Domestication of a Pyramid / Domestizierung einer Pyramide, MAK, Wien, Austria (cat.)
Two Rooms / Zwei Räume, Galerie Christine König, Wien, Austria (cat.)
The Henry Moore Sculpture Trust Studio, Halifax, Canada (cat.)
The Carnegie International, Mellon Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA
Halifax, Cornerhouse and Dean Clough, Manchester, United Kingdom
The Modern Gallery / Moderna Galarija, Ljubljana, Slovenia (cat.)
Henry Moore Foundation, City Council, Derry/Irland
Three Rooms, Galerie Franck + Schulte, Berlin, Germany
Luxembourg Palace / Palais Luxembourg, Paris, France
Inheritance and Transformation, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Irland
Sowers of Myth, Chicago Art Center, Chicago, USA
Sculptural events / Skulpturale Ereignisse, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
John Weber Gallery, New York, USA (cat.)
Städtische Galerie, Göppingen, Germany (cat.)
TSWA Four Cities Project, Plymouth Art Center, United Kingdom
From life - in Art / Uit het leven – in de Kunst, Museum of Contemporary Art / Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium
John Weber Gallery, New York, USA
Katharinenkirche, Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany
Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
The Collection / Der Verzameling, Museum of Contemporary Art / Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium
Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, USA
11 artists, 11 rooms / 11 Künstler, 11 Räume, Städtisches Museum, Schloß Morsbroich / Municipal Museum, Morsbroich Castle, Leverkusen, Germany
Expessive - Central European art since 1960 / Expessiv – Mitteleuropäische Kunst seit 1960, Museum of the 20th century / Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wien, Austria
Project Room, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
The Institut for Modern Art / Institut für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, Germany
Dokumenta 8, Kassel,
documenta-Auslese, A 11 Art Forum Thomas, Munich, Germany
The other medium / Das andere Medium, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, Germany
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany (cat.)
The Sixth Biennial of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (cat.)
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Kunstpreisträger ´86, Künstlerwerkstätten Lothringer Straße, Munich, Germany
Dimension V - Tensions Sculpture Today / Dimension V – Spannungen Skulptur Heute, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, Köln, Germany (cat.)
Riverside Studios, Serpentine Gallery, London, United Kingdom (cat.)
Arnolfini, Bristol, United Kingdom
Art in self-sense / Kunst im Eigen-Sinn, Museum of the 20th century / Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wien, Austria (cat.)
Biennale des Friedens, Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany
New Art, Tate Gallery, London, United Kingdom, (cat.)
The chair in the 20th century / Židle ve 20. století, Museum of Decorative Arts / Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum, Prague, Czech Republic
Pictures and sculptures / Obrazy a sochy, Culture house Gong / Kulturní dům Gong, Prague, Czech Republic
Dvorky´81, Prague, Czech Republic