František Skála

Born in 1956 in Prague
Lives and works in Prague and the countryside
1971-1975 Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Prague, majoring in woodcarving
1976-1982 Academy of Arts and Crafts in Prague, studio of TV and film graphics
since 1974 a real member of the secret organization B.K.S.
since 1985 Commander of the Order of the Green Ladybug
1987-1991 member of the artistic group Tvrdohlaví
He plays and sings in the Small Dance Orchestra Univerzal Prague, the group Finnish Baroque and the group Třaskavá směs. He is a member of the Sklep Theatre and the vocal pantomime trio Tros Sketos.
1984 Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for the most beautiful book
1989 Award of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for the most beautiful book
Certificate of Honour for Illustration, IBBY, Williamsburg, USA
1991 Jindřich Chalupecký Award, Prague
1st Prize Arte Giovane di Europa, Bolzano, Italy
1996 Interior of the Year Award 1996
2002 Certificate of Honour for Illustration, IBBY, Basel, Switzerland
2009 BIB Golden Apple, Biennial of Illustration Bratislava
2010 Certificate of Honour for Illustration, IBBY, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2010 Award of the Ministry of Culture for Contribution in the Field of Visual Arts, Prague
Selected Solo Exhibitions
1986 František Skála - Paintings and Sculptures, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague
1989 František Skála - Sculptures, drawings, paintings, Gallery of Youth, Brno
1992 František Skála - Old and New Works, GHMP, House at the Stone Bell, Prague
1993 HEADLANDSEEHEADS, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, USA
1993 La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
1996 František Skála, Nová síň Gallery, Prague
1997 Figures and Tropics, Art Gallery, Karlovy Vary
1997 The White Beggar, GKK, Gallery At the White Unicorn, Klatovy
2000 František Skála, Czech Centre London, Great Britain
2001 František Skála - Objects, House of Art, České Budějovice
František Skála - Divine Substances, Litera Gallery, Prague
2002 Rhythm of Time, City Museum, Suchard House, Nová Paka
František Skála - selection of works, Gallery Langův dům, Frýdek-Místek
František Skála, Czech Centre, Brussels, Belgium
2003 Karlin Chapel, Litera Gallery, Prague
2004 Spy Photography, GKK, Gallery At the White Unicorn, Klatovy
Skála in Rudolfinum, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
2005 František Skála, Egon Schiele Art Centre, Český Krumlov
Rock in Morgal, Moravian Gallery, Brno
2007 The True Story of Cílek and Lída, Czech Centre Tokyo, Japan
František Skála - Korpersprache, Galerie Atrium ed Arte, Vienna, Austria
2008 Body Language, Litera Gallery, Prague
František Skála - Cecil's quest, Czech Center New York, USA
2010 František Skála - Interest Activities, Navrátil Gallery, Prague
František Skála - Works from the 80s and 90s, Galerie U Betlémské kaple, Prague
2011 František Skála, Gallery of the City of Pilsen, Pilsen
František Skála - Tablets, OK Harris Gallery, New York, USA
2012 František Skála - Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Olomouc
František Skála - Headlands, Land of Heads, Ve Smečkách Gallery, Prague
František Skála - September, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
2013 František Skála - NIMBUS, Karlovy Vary Art Gallery, IGBV, Karlovy Vary
František Skála - Paths, Regional Gallery of Highlands, Jihlava
2014 František Skála - Expo, East Bohemia Gallery, Pardubice
2015 František Skála - TRIBAL, Fait Gallery, Brno
2017 František Skála - Jízdárna, National Gallery, Valdštejn Riding Hall, Prague
2020 František Skála - Two Years of Holidays, Fait Gallery, Brno
František Skála and other works, GHMP, House at the Stone Bell, Prague
Dreamscapes, František Skála & Ruprecht von Kaufmann, Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague
2022 František Skála - Obrazy ze mě, Galerie Václava Špály, Prague
Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
Gallery of the City of Prague
Moravian Gallery, Brno
National Gallery, Prague
Central Bohemia Region Gallery, Kutná Hora
Museum of Fine Arts, Olomouc
North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts, Litoměřice
Benedikt Rejt Gallery, Louny
Regional Gallery, Liberec
Art Gallery Karlovy Vary
Gallery Klatovy/Klenová
East Bohemia Gallery, Pardubice
Gallery of Modern Art, Hradec Kralove
Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice nad Labem
Fait Gallery, Brno
Cermak Eisenkraft gallery, Prague
Museum of Contemporary Arts, Sydney, Australia
and many private collections