Zdeněk Trs

* 1985, Liberec
After finishing the Secondary school of applied arts in Jablonec nad Nisou he entered Prof. Vladimír Kopecký’s studio of glass at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, in 2004. Between 2007 and 2010 he continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in Prof. Zdeněk Beran’s studio of classical painting techniques.
Zdeněk Trs concentrates mainly on painting. He examines natural laws and relations on both microscopic and macroscopic scales. His works are based on reality and they also use the language of geometry as a tool which enables him to form the final shape. He is remarkable for a particular sense of composition, a certain contemplative layer, present in his paintings, and a pulsing content. His works are represented in the collections of the National Gallery in Prague and in private collections in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Artist's Statement
Hou much or how little to express...
„ ...From the state of latent existence to a kind of invocation, where I, as an observer, choose where I will direct my attention. It is movement in an information field, in which forms might be present. And their presence cast a shadow. On its boundary, the boundary between shadow and light, the essence of a shape becomes apparent. Like when the sun hits mother-of-pearl and reveals the whole range of colours in the spectrum... „
Solo exhibitions
Gnómon, Oblastní galerie Liberec, Czech Republic
Popelavý svět / Earthshine, Trafo Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Zdeněk Trs, Radoslav Bigoš and Michal Ožibko, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Attraction, Galerie Ahoj Nazdar Čau, Liberec, Czech Republic
Solo Project 2016 (in the collaboration with The Chemistry Gallery), Basel, Switzerland
AFTER REMBRANDT, The National Gallery in Prague, Sternberg palace / Národní galerie v Praze, Štenberský palác, Prague, Czech Republic
Art Prize CBM III: London, Prague, Turin, Christine Park Gallery, London
2012 Vision / Vidina, Michal`s Collection, Prague, Czech Republic
2011 Horizons / Horizonty, Dea Orh Art Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2008 V Kapli Gallery, Bruntál, Czech Republic
2003 Hermes Gallery, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic
Selected group exhibitions
2022 Paralely, Městské muzeum a galerie Hořice, Hořice, Czech Republic
Letní výtvarný salón, Galerie KODL, Prague, Czech Republic
Universum | Trienále SEFO 2021, Muzeum umění Olomouc, Czech Republic
22:22 (3) Hranice rozpoznatelnosti, The Chemistry gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
1606 inside 1669 Rembrandt, Wallraf das Museum, Köln, Germamy
10 Years of Chemistry / 10 let Chemistry, org. The Chemistry Gallery, Hala 17, Holešovická tržnice, Prague, Czech Republic
Dancing Peoples are Never Wrong, org. The Chemistry Gallery, Inspirace / Era svět, Prague, Czech Republic
The Art of making Catastroph, org. by the Chemistry Gallery, Zoya Museum, Modra, Slovakia
Passion / Vášeň, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Resuerection / Zmrtvýchvstání, org. Trafo Gallery, Hala 14, Holešovická tržnice, Prague, Czech Republic
Art for Heart, Mánes Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Jiří Dostál +21, Srdce v lázních, Regional Gallery Liberec / Oblastní galerie Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
Art Prize CBM III: London, Prague, Turin, Christine Park Gallery, London
Art Prize CMB III, Turin, Italy
The face of Pilsen / Tváře Plzně, DEPO2015, Pilsner, Czech Republic
Et Cetera, muzeum MAXXI, Roma, Italy
I LOVE LUCY, Galerie Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic
22:22 2, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Půvabný Podivný Nahoru Dolů, Czech Museum of Silver / České muzeum stříbra – Hrádek, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Et Cetera, Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
22:22, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Amygdala, Budoart gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Paintomorrow, National History Museum / Vlastivědné muzeum, Šumperk, Czech Republic
Czech painting 2012 / Česká malba 2012, Fontána gallery, Piešťany, Slovakia
Contemporary Czech Painting and Sculpture / Současná česká malba a socha, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
Contemporary Czech Painting / Současná česká malba, Dea Orh Art Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
View / Náhled, The Chemistry gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Artbank ⎜Kick off, Dvorak Sec Contemporary, Prague, Czech Republic
“4“, Kotelna Gallery, Říčany, Czech Republic
2010 Academy of Fine Arts graduates / Diplomanti AVU, National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
PAINt, National History Museum / Vlastivědné muzeum, Šumperk, Czech Republic
Articulation / Artikulace, S.V.U Mánes Diamant Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2007 Defenestration / Defenestrace, Old Town Hall / Novoměstská radnice, Prague, Czech Republic
2006 1+2+8 Kopecky`s school / 1+2+8 Kopeckého škola, Deset Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Public Collections
National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
Private collections in Czech Republic and abroad